What is Deadly Skyrim?

Deadly Skyrim is a way to play Skyrim as a Dark Fantasy/Horror open world survival game. You can read the about section for more information.

What mods do you use?

I use a lot of mods. The core mods are  Alone, Frostfall and iNeed. For a detailed list of the mods that I am using please see the Mod list page.

Is this Oldrim or SSE?

NOTE: I am in the process of updating the mod list to SSE. 

What is the music in your Skyrim opening/main menu?

It is the Halloween-ish Maintheme Replacer by silant.

Why is it so dark in your screenshots/videos?

I am using an ENB called Noir - fogbound by Rusey which is designed to make everything dark.


I am not really a "tech" person but from my understanding it is a program that allows for graphical enhancements for games such as skyrim; more specifically graphical overlays. There's some good information about ENBseries online so I suggest if you are new to using ENB's you read up as much as possible.

Is this a total conversion?

No. While it has been heavily modified the game itself is still Skyrim. 


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